Spirit Nights

 We host multiple spirit nights throughout the year. Bring your family, neighbors and friends to our spirit nights. Spirits nights have a two-fold purpose- both to strengthen our community by gathering together, and to raise funds for our PTA!


Upcoming Spirit Nights Spring 2025

 Watch this page for information about our upcoming Spirit Nights for the Spring!



Spirit Nights 2024-2025

  Check out the Spirit Nights we have held so far this year!


Chicago Ave Hot Dogs-12.4.24

Thank you to everyone that attended our Chicago Avenue Spirit Night!  It was a wonderful evening spent with Mooneyham families and classmates!





Spring Creek BBQ-8.28.24

Thank you to everyone that attended our Spring Creek BBQ Spirit Night!  It was a wonderful evening spent with Mooneyham families and classmates.  Thank you to our wonderful staff that volunteered to serve hot rolls! 



Jeremiah's Italian Ice - 8.7.2024

Thank you Mooneyham families for supporting Mooneyham PTA at Meet the Teacher Night by stopping at the Jeremiah’s Italian Ice Truck!  Mooneyham PTA received $101.99 donated back from the evening’s sales.  What a sweet start of the year!


Spirit Nights 2023-2024

Check out some of the fun Spirit Nights we held in 2023-2024!




Halo Pizzeria: November 2023






Spring Creek BBQ: August 2023










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Contact our VP of Fundraising Ritu Sethi at fundraising@mooneyhampta.org to be a sponsor today.