Membership Awards 2024-2025
Join Mooneyham PTA! Your membership helps our PTA be recognized and earn awards from Texas PTA!
In order to achieve “Good Standing” status with Texas PTA, Mooneyham PTA had to first maintain “Active Status” (Remit to TXPTA state/national membership dues for at least 20 members and submit to TXPTA the name and contact information of at least one current board member). We also had to:
- Report all additional members and remit all state/national dues to Texas PTA each year.
- Submit to Texas PTA the name and contact information for all additional executive board members within 15 days of election or appointment.
- Review Local PTA bylaws (and standing rules, if applicable) every three years and submit to Texas PTA for approval.
- Each year, within 60 days of fiscal year-end, electronically file and have accepted by the IRS the “Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax”.
Membership Awards 2023-2024
In order to achieve “Good Standing” status with Texas PTA, Mooneyham PTA had to first maintain “Active Status” (Remit to TXPTA state/national membership dues for at least 20 members and submit to TXPTA the name and contact information of at least one current board member). We also had to:
- Report all additional members and remit all state/national dues to Texas PTA each year.
- Submit to Texas PTA the name and contact information for all additional executive board members within 15 days of election or appointment.
- Review Local PTA bylaws (and standing rules, if applicable) every three years and submit to Texas PTA for approval.
- Each year, within 60 days of fiscal year-end, electronically file and have accepted by the IRS the “Form 990 Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax”.
100% of Mooneyham Elementary’s full-time faculty members joined Mooneyham PTA and we received the Golden Apple Award.
Mooneyham PTA recruited at least 50 men as members and received the MARS (Men Are Really Super) Membership Award.
Mooneyham PTA elected one male member to serve on the Executive Board and received the MARS (Men Are Really Super) Involvement Award.
Mooneyham PTA received the Silver Community Membership Award for recruiting 15 community members.
Mooneyham PTA earned the Shining Star Award for obtaining 100% of the previous year’s total membership and achieving Good Standing.
Mooneyham PTA recruited 10 new members in January 2024 and received the Welcome Back Award.
Mooneyham PTA recruited 14 new members in February 2024 and received the XOXO Award.
Upcoming Events
- Thursday, January 23
- Friday, January 24
- Friday, February 7
- Friday, February 14
- Monday, February 17
- Friday, February 28
- Friday, March 7
- Monday, March 17
Contact our VP of Fundraising Ritu Sethi at to be a sponsor today.